Like most girls, an outfit for a special night out, a festival or for your 2 week holiday, doesn't just consist of your clothes and shoes but we also like to coordinate our outfits with cute accessories. One of my most favourite accessory is definitely jewellery. I think jewellery is a little extension of ourselves and can bling up the most plainest of outfits. I love these photographs of the simple looks, teamed with statement jewellery pieces to create a trend-setting, sophisticated look.
x Images from Pinterest x
However do you ever get sick of paying up to £20 from high street stores for jewellery pieces, that don't fit your finger properly and fall off when you are drunk? Or they turn your ears/neck/fingers green after wearing them only a few times. It really does break my heart, when my favourite necklace is passed the point of resembling gold and is a ugly rusty orange colour. Parting with it is always difficult, and investing in more jewellery is even worse, particularly when you spent all your wages on your new lipstick, dress and shoes!!
Nevertheless, I have formed a new resolution. To stop buying jewellery that only lasts me a couple of weeks, and instead will hopefully last me for a year. Of course this duration, comes with a higher price tag, however is definitely an investment. What I am talking about, is REAL yes real gold/silver pieces that are still fashion pieces and don't break the bank! Investing in pretty fashionable pieces, that don't rust and fit perfectly definitely resolves a lot of problems, and can add a little character to any outfit. At the moment, I lust after statement rings, that compliment most of my daily outfits. In particular I LOVE coloured stones. Colour stones are very "In Trend" in the jewellery world, and I cannot not get enough of the pastel colour stoned rings.
I came across these little beauties and thought I would share them with you all.
I also love these stacking rings. They look really effective on their own, but the different textures look even better! J'adore!!
You can purchase these lovelies from Chisholm Hunter - the perfect idea for a birthday gift, or for a well deserved treat to yourself! It is my birthday next week so hopefully someone will take the hint hehe!!
Hope use all have a good weekend with your bling ;-)
As I mentioned in my last blog, I am now more than ever, super keen to take care of my skin and hopefully keep break outs at bay and to try and minimise ageing as much as possible - not getting any younger eh! Although, after the amount I drank last night at my friends' wedding, it is safe to say my skin is not feeling very hydrated today haha!
You have different options for removing makeup; foam cleaners and soaps which you use with the help of a little water, and of course, cream/gel cleansers and toners which you can use with a cotton pad. Or ofcourse there is the standard makeup wipes too. I personally, use a combination of a face soap and a cleanser and toner. I have heard mixed reviews about face wipes and how it can dry out your skin, so I have never been a big fan of them. Plus I feel like I can use as much cleanser and soap as I want, and get a cleaner face instead of been restricted to a makeup wipes' measurements. You can read more about it here. My Makeup Removing Routine At night I have a little routine of removing my eye make up with the Simple Eye Makeup remover. This is slightly kinder to your sensitive tissue below your eyes and removes all kinds of heavy eye makeup. I just use the large cotton cosmetic pads to do this.
I then use the simple cleanser to remove the rest of my makeup. I have tried Clarins' cleanser, however at the higher price tag of £20, and with the amount I use, I really couldn't justify paying that every couple of weeks. Especially when the simple cleanser does the exact same thing. After that I make sure I tone with the Clarins Toner. This restores any moisture to your face and balances your skin following cleansing. I have had this bottle for around a year, you only need the tiniest amount and it leaves your skin feeling fresh! Toners also claim to be good for shinking your pores once they have been opened up from the cleanse, restoring pH balance and acts as a layer of protection to your skin too! Magic little toners. I then apply my Bobbi Brown Under Eye Cream and my moisturiser. I tend to use the night version of this moisturiser, however it ran our last week and I haven't had the chance to pick up a new one - so my daily moisturiser does the job in the mean time! I repeat this process in the morning, however in the shower I use my Aloe Vera face wash. It has a lovely smell and really wakens my skin up in the morning, ready for a full face of makeup haha!Here is a pic of my gals and I with our cleansed pre-wedding faces! Hehe! Fresh is best with glasses! :D
SO for anyone thinking about purchasing a cleanser, whether it be a foaming/wet cleanser, or a cream cleanser, you don't have to go over board on the price tag. Just try a few out and see what works well for you. As soon as you get yourself into a routine of doing it, it becomes second nature - like brushing your teeth before bed at night!
Let me know if you have tried any of these cleanser/toners/face wash and tell me what you think?!
Can you recommend any other cleansers or toners? I am always up for trying new products out so would love to hear your experiences:)